Report of Findings

When you arrive at your second visit, a Chiropractic Assistant will escort you to our Report of Findings room.  There you will view an 8 minute video, “What to Expect” as you begin your Chiropractic care.Your Doctor will then sit down with you and spend the next 30-45 minutes discussing your condition in great detail.

He or she will begin by explaining the basic anatomy of the spine using 3-D models and charts so that you can clearly visualize the root cause of your ailment.  Next, a copy of your Spinal Stress Scan results will be explained and given to you.  Perhaps the most interesting part of this review is the presentation of your X-rays. Your Doctor will actually teach and show you how to read your X-rays and recognize your levels of spinal degeneration, postural changes and significant misalignments.

Your Doctor will then explain the plan of care that he or she recommends, which will include Chiropractic adjustments and passive physical therapy, and possibly other modalities, such as Massage Therapy or Cold Laser therapy.  If there is a need to refer you to another specialist or need for further diagnostic testing outside of our office, your Doctor will let you know.

Your Doctor will invite you to ask questions.

This is to ensure you have a full understanding of your condition and feel confident and ready to begin your care.  You are more than welcome to bring family members with you for this visit, as it may help them to better understand your condition and play an active role in your care.

A Report of Findings folder will be given to you to take home, which gives you all of the details that your Doctor has discussed with you, as well as pertinent home care recommendations and certain things to avoid.

Beginning Treatment

Our beautiful treatment rooms are designed to immediately calm your senses and reduce your stress levels so that you will gain maximum benefit from your care.  Your Doctor will walk you through every aspect of your treatment, so that you will feel completely comfortable and know exactly what to expect.

There are various Chiropractic techniques that your Doctor will have to offer, but he or she will know how to tailor those techniques to fit your exact needs.  Your care may also consist of passive Physical Therapy, which is performed in a relaxing environment by one of our well-trained Chiropractic Assistants.  Other modalities of care, such as Cold Laser Therapy and Massage Therapy will be recommended to you as needed.

When you finish your treatment for the day, a staff member will schedule your next appointments and give you a welcome bag to take with you.  Our staff and Doctors are available to you if you need to call with additional questions, following your first appointment.


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