Massage Therapy is an excellent complement to Chiropractic care.
Like Chiropractic, Massage involves a holistic, natural approach to healing.
At Ariya, we offer a calm, relaxing and clean environment for our massage patients. Our exceptional Licensed Massage Therapists incorporate their knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology to address soft tissue dysfunctions, stress related conditions and energy imbalances.
Patients who receive both massage and chiropractic in conjunction generally achieve faster results. Our therapists and Doctors will work together and discuss your care and progress on an ongoing basis.
The positive effects of Massage are supported by clinical research and include the following:
- Relaxation & Stress Reduction
- Improved Circulation
- Increased Energy
- Decrease of Muscle Tension
- Improvement of Cellular Nutrition
- Regaining of Proper Alignment
The following techniques are offered:
- Therapeutic Massage
- Swedish Massage
- Neuromuscular Massage
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Prenatal Massage