Patient Forms

Our friendly Ariya staff will be greeting you immediately upon your arrival. You will begin by filling out appropriate paperwork that will provide your Doctor with your health history and details about your condition.


One of our Chiropractic Assistants will escort you to our examination room, take your vital signs, have you change into a gown and prepare you to see your Doctor. Your Doctor will then arrive and record details about your current condition, past health conditions and injuries, and other contributing factors, such as diet, work environment and stress levels.


Upon your consent, your Doctor will then perform a thorough physical examination, which includes: gentle palpation of the spinal joints, ranges of motion, orthopedic and neurologic testing and postural analysis.

Spinal Stress Scan

Your Doctor will then introduce you to our Surface EMG and Thermography scanner, a painless and 100% safe diagnostic test, that detects areas of muscle imbalance, nerve compromise and inflammation at each level of your spine.


Your Doctor will determine whether or not X-rays are essential. In many cases, X-rays are an important tool in determining the current health of your spinal bones and surrounding areas, as we are able to further evaluate the level of degeneration and your disc health, as well as rule out any serious spinal conditions.

Working Diagnosis

A diagnosis will then be determined, based on the detailed information that has been gathered from your examination, scan and X-rays. At the end of this visit, you will be scheduled for your next visit, within one to two days, which will give your Doctor time to extensively look over your results and determine the most appropriate plan of care for you. This will be presented to you at your second visit.


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